Phlo Pharmacy: Strategia di E-commerce

Phlo Pharmacy: Strategia di E-commerce

In the Phlo pharmacy's mobile app, users looking for over-the-counter (OTC) medications often miss the opportunity to make convenient purchases directly from the app. This phenomenon leads to potential customer abandonment and loss of revenue.


Phlo Digital Pharmacy


UX/UI Designer




E-commerce Health-tech


To seize this important opportunity, I embarked on a mission to design a smooth and persuasive over-the-counter (OTC) drug upselling strategy, specifically for mobile users.

UX/UI Process

The problem: In the Phlo pharmacy mobile app, users searching for over-the-counter (OTC) medications often miss the opportunity to make convenient purchases directly from the app, potentially causing loss of revenue.

The mission: Design a seamless and persuasive over-the-counter medication upselling strategy, specifically for mobile users.

The solutions:

Seasonal Plan: Inspired by physical pharmacies, this approach presents a pre-selected range of seasonal over-the-counter medications after checkout. Imagine the convenience of adding winter cold remedies during the checkout on a chilly December day! This consistent method offers immediate relevance and encourages impulse purchases.

Combined Plan: Prioritizing user education and autonomy, this approach leverages our artificial intelligence capabilities. Our team of pharmacists, supported by FindMine technology, customizes treatment plans. These plans seamlessly integrate recommended over-the-counter medications with prescribed medications, offering users a comprehensive solution for wellness at their fingertips. This fosters confidence and engagement, increasing the average order value (AOV).

Mobile Focus: Both plans are designed for optimal mobile use. Users encounter upselling options at strategic points: the Seasonal Plan after checkout, while the Combined Plan seamlessly integrates between delivery selection and order review. This ensures a relevant and context-appropriate experience, minimizing difficulties and maximizing convenience.

Personalized Persuasion: We aim to go beyond generic recommendations. By leveraging user purchase history and seasonal trends, we personalize our offers. Imagine suggesting throat lozenges alongside winter cold remedies or recommending vitamins to boost the immune system based on individual user preferences. This personalized approach has a greater impact, nurturing trust and improving customer satisfaction.

The impact: By implementing these mobile-optimized upselling strategies, we aim to achieve:

Increased AOV: The upselling potential unlocks significantly increased revenue growth without compromising the user experience.

Reduced customer abandonment: Simple over-the-counter medication purchases integrated into the app prevent users from turning elsewhere, enhancing customer loyalty.

Enhanced healthcare: Personalized treatment plans promote user responsibility and proactive health management.


Phlo's journey towards personalised over-the-counter medicine upselling reflects our commitment to creating a mobile experience that places users at the heart of their health journey. By combining AI-driven personalisation with strategically embedded advice, we can now bridge the gap between the need for medicine and its convenient reception, fostering both business growth and user satisfaction.

Phlo Pharmacy: E-commerce Medical Strategy Mobile

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