Hello Eve: Branding & E-commerce

Hello Eve: Branding & E-commerce

In the evolving landscape of healthcare in the UK, Hello Eve emerges as an innovative e-commerce service dedicated to women's health. Its mission is to simplify the purchase and consultation of health products, offering an intuitive and engaging user experience (UX). Through an effective branding and communication strategy, Hello Eve is gaining the trust of women and redefining the way they approach their health.


Hello Eve


UX/UI Designer




E-commerce Health-tech


Women often find it difficult to find reliable information and products suitable for their specific health needs. Traditional e-commerce platforms often lack personalization and a holistic approach to women's health. Hello Eve has identified the opportunity to fill this gap by creating a shopping experience that is informative, motivating, and accessible.

UX/UI Process

1. Research and Discovery: We started with a meticulous analysis of competitor data and a close collaboration with our data analyst and user researcher. Together with our UX researcher, we delved into statistics and data sets, extracting typical user behaviors and uncovering hidden trends. These insights, combined with qualitative observations from interviews with women, formed the basis of our design decisions.

An data-driven approach allowed us not only to meet the expressed needs of users, but also to anticipate and address unforeseen challenges, creating a truly intuitive and engaging user experience.

2. Design and Ideation: Creating a secure and positive experience With this information in hand, we organized brainstorming sessions with the core team to generate potential design solutions. We focused on creating a user-friendly interface that conveyed security, reliability, and autonomy. My goal was to ensure that every interaction – from navigating contraceptive options to booking consultations – instilled a sense of comfort and control in every woman.

3. White-Label Design System: Flexibility and Scalability Understanding the importance of flexibility and scalability, I led the development of a white-label design system. This system established a unified set of design components, user interface patterns, and brand guidelines that could be easily adapted to both Hello Eve and other partners, while maintaining their distinct identities. This not only ensured consistency of the user experience across all platforms, but also simplified future design and development efforts.

4. Hello Eve Theme in Figma Design System: Adding a touch of personality To bring out the Hello Eve brand within the design system, I meticulously created a dedicated theme in Figma. This theme included specific Hello Eve colors, fonts, icons, and illustrations, infusing the interface with warmth, liveliness, and a touch of fantasy, reflecting Hello Eve's modern and accessible approach to women's health.

5. Prototyping and Testing: Refining the experience for all Throughout the design process, we iteratively refined the interface based on real-time feedback from all stakeholders, ensuring that the final product not only met the needs of users, but also aligned with the company's vision for profit.


Hello Eve represents an outstanding example of how effective UX/UI design can transform the shopping experience for women’s health. Through its focus on ease of use, customization, and provision of informative content, Hello Eve has gained the trust of women and established itself as a leader in the UK’s Healtech market. Its success demonstrates the power of UX/UI design in creating valuable experiences that meet user needs and drive business growth.

Hello Eve: Branding & E-commerce

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